Cut Flowers and Tubers for Sale in Brentwood Bay
We offer Dahlia Flowers and tubers for purchase
Ben Cawston grew up on a hobby farm and worked in the orchards of the Okanagan Valley. He ran his own gardening and landscaping business for 20 years, before starting his own renovation company. Kirsten Sawatsky grew up in Victoria and enjoyed a background in the Arts before falling in love with the farming life.
Back in 2017, Ben and Kirsten were presented with an opportunity to utilize the land surrounding the small house they were living in. Soon after, Graham Creek Farm was started. Named for the creek that runs through the back of the property, the 5-acre farm boasts 42 varieties of Dahlia flowers so far. As well, they grow strawberries that are available at the farm stand in season, and sell delicious free-range eggs year round.
Customers are able to order dahlia tubers in the fall for shipping or pick up beginning in February/March of 2023. Also available in the fall of each year, we offer spring lamb for sale.
• Tubers • Cut flowers
• Bulk dahlia sales • Bulk wedding flowers
• Special occasion orders
Veggie-fed, free range chickens provide delicious brown eggs. Available year round from our farm stand.
Suffolk/Texel cross spring lamb. Whole lamb for sale (starting in the fall.) Send us a message for pricing information.
We love to meet with our customers, so feel free to contact us to arrange a visit to the farm. Purchase dahlia flowers and tubers, eggs, or strawberries (in season).
6628 West Saanich Rd Brentwood Bay BC Canada
(250)589-6559 or (250) 507-2321 email: info@grahamcreekdahliafarm.ca
We're always busy here, so hours vary. You can come by and purchase from our sales stand during daylight hours. It's best to contact us ahead of time if you'd like to meet with us.
Copyright © 2019 Graham Creek Dahlia Farm - All Rights Reserved. All photos belong to Graham Creek Dahlia Farm.
Photography: deborahpricephotography.com
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